

Radii is an audiovisual performance by Brett Bolton centered around real-time projections on a drum.

Projected light transforms the surface of the drum into a series of vibrant, hit-responsive audiovisual instruments. These instruments are custom built by Brett to combine musical and visual elements into a single entity that compliments the natural gestures familiar with a drum surface.

Current Releases


Playing with light and shadows by pushing and pulling pieces of the drum surface to form evolving extruded structures.



Cymaticish is my attempt at replicating the beautifully intricate patterns and behaviors created by the natural phenomena known as cymatics. 

It looks kind of like cymatics… but it’s not… so, cymatic-ish.



A Tesla-coil inspired AV piece that turns a pair of drumsticks into arc-forming electrodes. Surges of energy are dynamically built up, manipulated, and released throughout the course of this 3-part song.


Forces (demo)

A physics based arpeggiated sequencer / synth inspired by a pinball machine.


Malleable (demo)

Beating up some poor procedural metallic fluid. The speed and velocity of my hits cause the fluid to warp and splatter.


Concentric Circles (Demo)

An AV instrument made of 3 playable concentric rings, each with their own chord and speed-adjustable melody sequencer.